min. before the match |
Actions |
- 16' | referees: arrival; check IDs, check net height teams: may warm-up on their own side of the court with or without balls |
16' | Teams move to their benches, net height check by the referees |
15' | Coin toss, signatures of the captains and coaches of both teams on the score sheet (if necessary) |
14' | First referee whistles for the official warm-up (players wear uniforms) |
12' | Second referee collects the line-up sheets of both teams |
6' | Inform coaches that the official warm-up lasts for two more minutes |
4' | End of official warm-up, players move to their benches |
3' | Presentation of the teams at their baselines |
2.30' | referees move to their positions |
2' | Presentation of the starting six plus libero and the coach per team; if not applicable: first referee calls the teams onto the court |
0' | Authorization of the first service |
30 minutes before the start of the match
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