4.4 Line judges

A distinction is made between the 2- and 4-line judge system. The positions of the line judges are named 1 to 4 counterclockwise, starting at the first referee. While in the 4-line-judge-system all positions are taken, in the 2-line-judge-system only positions 1 and 3, but here named 1 and 2, are taken.

Lr pos.jpg


Lr 2zone.jpg

In the 2-line-judge-system, the line-judges are located at positions 1 and 3 and must observe one long and one short line and the corresponding antenna and make appropriate decisions. The line judges should take up a position about 1 to 2 metres from the corner. Depending on the game situation, they should change their position in the alignment of the lines.

Positions during intervals - 2 line judges

Lr 2-teamto.jpg

During team time-outs the line judges go to the board in the extension of their long line.

Lr 2-satzpause.jpg

During set intervals, the line judges go to one of the corners, each on his half of the court.

4-line judge system

Lr 4zone.jpg

In the 4-line judge system, the line judges are located at all corners of the court. They must observe either one long or one short line and make decisions accordingly. The line judges should take up a position approximately 2 to 3 metres away from their corner.

Positions during intervals - 4 line judges

Lr 4-teamto.jpg

During team time-outs, the line judges go to the board in the extension of their long line.

Lr 4-tto.jpg

During technical time-outs, the line judges go to the board in the middle of the respective service zone.

Lr 4-satzpause.jpg

During set intervals, the line judges go to one of the corners, each on his half of the court.


Line judges signal to the referee:

  • In, out and touch
  • Balls touching external objects (antenna, ceiling, referee's chair, net posts, tensioning ropes...)
  • Foot fault of the serving player
  • Crossing space faults
  • Players who are (partially) outside the court at the time of the service
  • Players touching the top 80 cm of the antenna in their playing action

Line judge signals

All line judge signals can be found in hand signals.